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Researchers from the Human-Centric Cybersecurity Partnership regularly publish in peer-reviewed journals and present at prestigious academic conferences.  To help bring this important work to the attention of our partners and the cybersecurity community, this page contains brief summaries of a selection of these works.


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Accessible from the open web: a qualitative analysis of the available open-source information involving cyber security and critical infrastructure

Zhang, Y., Frank, R., Warkentin, N., & Zakimi, N. (2022). Accessible from the open web: a qualitative analysis of the available open-source information involving cyber security and critical infrastructure. Journal of Cybersecurity, 8(1), tyac003.

Anonymity technologies in investigative journalism: a tool for inspiring trust in sources

Biscop, M., & Décary-Hétu, D. (2022). Anonymity technologies in investigative journalism: a tool for inspiring trust in sources. Journalism Practice, 1-22.

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Child Sexual Exploitation Material Users, One Size Fits All For? Exploring Tailored Clinical Dimensions based on Cognitive and Behavioural Criminogenic Factors

Paquette, S., Chopin, J., & Fortin, F. (2022). Child sexual exploitation material offenders, one‐size‐fits‐all for? Exploring tailored clinical dimensions based on cognitive and behavioural criminogenic factors. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 32(2), 100-113.

Privacy-Preserving Link Prediction

Demirag, D., Namazi, M., Ayday, E., & Clark, J. (2022, September). Privacy-Preserving Link Prediction. In International Workshop on Data Privacy Management (pp. 35-50). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Scambaiting as a preventive tool in the fight against cyberfrauds: the case of romance scams

Zbinden, R., Beaudet-Labrecque, O., Grandjean, F., Gobeil, C., Brunoni, L., Décary-Hétu, D., & Cretu-Adatte, C. (2023). Scambaiting as a preventive tool in the fight against cyberfrauds: the case of romance scams. The journal on cybercrime & digital investigations.

SoK: Securing Email: A Stakeholder-Based Analysis

Clark, J., van Oorschot, P. C., Ruoti, S., Seamons, K., & Zappala, D. (2021). SoK: Securing email—a stakeholder-based analysis. In Financial Cryptography and Data Security: 25th International Conference, FC 2021, Virtual Event, March 1–5, 2021, Revised Selected Papers, Part I 25 (pp. 360-390). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

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The success rate of online illicit drug transactions during a global pandemic

Bergeron, A., Décary-Hétu, D., Giommoni, L., & Villeneuve-Dubuc, M. P. (2022). The success rate of online illicit drug transactions during a global pandemic. International Journal of Drug Policy, 99, 103452.

Why do internet devices remain vulnerable? a survey with system administrators

Bondar, T., Assal, H., & Abdou, A. (2023). Why do internet devices remain vulnerable? a survey with system administrators. In Workshop on Measurements, Attacks, and Defenses for the Web (MADWeb 2023). NDSS.

“It's not that I want to see the student's bedroom...”: Instructor Perceptions of e-Proctoring Software

Chaudhry, K., Theus, A. L., Assal, H., & Chiasson, S. (2023, October). “It's not that I want to see the student's bedroom...”: Instructor Perceptions of e-Proctoring Software. In Proceedings of the 2023 European Symposium on Usable Security (pp. 15-26).

“I’m Not a Millionaire”: How Users’ Online Behaviours and Offline Behaviours Impact Their Privacy

Lutaaya, M., Baig, K., Maqsood, S., & Chiasson, S. (2021, May). “I’m Not a Millionaire”: How Users’ Online Behaviours and Offline Behaviours Impact Their Privacy. In Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-7).

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